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Relationship Analysis
- Analyze your Relationship area of your life by applying Pai paddhathi on Relationship planets
- Learn about the patterns, tendencies and possibilities with regard to Relationship
- Understand the...
- Analyze your Relationship area of your life by applying Pai paddhathi on Relationship planets
- Learn about the patterns, tendencies and possibilities with regard to Relationship
- Understand the nakshatra energies expressed by the planets relevant to your Relationship through the archetypes of myths and symbols
- Discover the deeper connections with different areas of your life with regard to Relationship, and ways to bring more balance within your Relationship
- Learn about unique practical remedies to harmonise your planets and nakshatra energies to improve your Relationship
Purchasing & Delivery
This is a Live consultation. We will get in touch with you within 48 hours to schedule your consultation.
Note - We will email you a link to the form to collect your date of birth information.