Nakshatras of All Divisional Charts Report
Unlock the power of nakshatras through your divisional charts!
Nakshatras are the original references in the Vedas. The nakshatras in the divisional charts haven’t been fully...
Unlock the power of nakshatras through your divisional charts!
Nakshatras are the original references in the Vedas. The nakshatras in the divisional charts haven’t been fully used before simply because of the lack of knowledge of nakshatras. Now with Cosmic Insights we are opening up the gift box of awareness through our new Divisional chart nakshatra report.
Learn what nakshatras will be influencing your home, your health, your spiritual purpose, your marraige, your children, your spiritual experiences and other areas of your areas of life with the divisional chart nakshatra report!
Discover the nakshatras involved in the mechanism of your specific areas of your life!
This report provides your birth chart and the following divisional charts with Nakshatras and zodiac degrees!
Included Charts:
- Birth Chart
- D1 Rashi
- D2 Hora
- D3 Drekkana
- D4 Chaturthamsha
- D7 Saptamamsha
- D9 Navamsha
- D10 Dashamsha
- D12 Dvadashamsha
- D16 Shodashamsha
- D20 Vimshamsha
- D24 Chaturvimshamsha
- D27 Saptavimshamsha
- D30 Trimshamsha
- D40 Khavedamsha
- D45 Akshavedamsha
- D60 Shashtiamsha
Note - We will email you a link to the form to collect your date of birth information.
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