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Karma in Chakras Report
Would you like to know the percentage of karma you have stored in each of your chakras and what this means for you?
Discover which chakra you need to work the...
Discover which chakra you need to work the...
Would you like to know the percentage of karma you have stored in each of your chakras and what this means for you?
Discover which chakra you need to work the most in this lifetime, as the report indicates the biggest amount of karma stored in that chakra. It also reveals that the majority of your life lessons will come to you in this life through this chakra, what are the mistakes that you need to learn from, that you’re repeating, which bring you again and again into the same place? and which of them requires balancing the most?
Also understand how the macrocosm of planetary influences are connected to the microcosm of chakras within your subtle body.
The spine is the storehouse of our consciousness and also our karma from previous lifetimes. Unfulfilled desires, unpaid karmic debts and all life lessons that we’ve come back to learn are indicated in this report.
Note - We will email you a link to the form to collect your date of birth information.
Discover which chakra you need to work the most in this lifetime, as the report indicates the biggest amount of karma stored in that chakra. It also reveals that the majority of your life lessons will come to you in this life through this chakra, what are the mistakes that you need to learn from, that you’re repeating, which bring you again and again into the same place? and which of them requires balancing the most?
Also understand how the macrocosm of planetary influences are connected to the microcosm of chakras within your subtle body.
The spine is the storehouse of our consciousness and also our karma from previous lifetimes. Unfulfilled desires, unpaid karmic debts and all life lessons that we’ve come back to learn are indicated in this report.
Note - We will email you a link to the form to collect your date of birth information.
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